Wednesday, April 27, 2016

"Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master" -Christian Lous Lang

Previously, I discussed examples of interactive websites that can be used to advance the classroom learning experience. In this post,i would like to share my examples for work created through each website and discuss my likes and dislikes.

TagCrowd :

Originally we found TagCrowd difficult
to use. We were unsure what to do. After
play around with it for awhile, we discovered
how simple it actually was. This website does
all the "hard work" for you. Instead of
re-reading articles or text to find key words,
TagCrowd can do it for you. In addition,
TagCrowd creates a word cloud for you to
display the significant or repeated words from
the selected text. For example,our word cloud was based off of a large number of astronomy
based articles. Our key words consisted of
Earth, stars, light-years, galaxy, universe, mass,
spacecraft, telescope, astronomers, and so on.

  Tkik-Toki :

Although also a struggle to get used to at first,
Tiki-Toki allowed us to create a time line of a
few astronomically events throughout history.
We were able to create a planet filled background, text to support our time stops,
and images. The image displays our example timeline in the 2D option.

ThingLink :

ThingLink was rather easy to get the hang of.
It was fun to put our ThingLink presentation
together. I enjoyed the ability to add images,
videos, and games right onto the presentation.
We created a ThingLink to teach a lesson on
the layers of the atmosphere. We provided
text, resources, images, diagrams, a video,
and a fun interactive game that allowed the
class to guess what occurs in each layer of the

Kahoot! :

Kahoot is simple to use. You can sign up
for free and begin creating a quiz, discussion,
or servery instantly at GetKahoot!. We created
a Kahoot based off of our Atmosphere lesson.
This  fun, competitive quiz allows us to see how
well the class received the information taught to
them. after each question is answered, we are
able to view how many individuals chose each
possible answer vs. how many chose the correct

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